In today’s issue, I’m going to share with you a simple action plan that you can implement today, to take your business to 6 Figures
If you set up this system, you’ll drastically increase your revenue in little time. It does take work and elbow grease (but what doesn’t?), but it’s a concrete plan that will help you get results
Even if you’re just starting out as a Coach, a solopreneur or you’ve been putting out offers with mediocre results, you can begin today (with a solid system) to create a plan that works.
Unfortunately, most Coaches don’t have a predefined system for increasing their revenue.
Taking your business to 6-Figure Status doesn’t happen by chance. It happens through a carefully systemised approach
Everything that works well in this world, works well because the creator of that ‘thing’ followed a systemised approach.
The challenge isn’t in creating systems.
After helping thousands of entrepreneurs…
Setting this money goal isn’t the hard part. Here’s the challenge I often see
- Most entrepreneurs do set these money goals, but they don’t have the staying power
- They don’t have the mindset required to help them hit these goals
- Most, are not willing to do the work that is required to make that amount of money.
These are general statements, of course, but from my experience, these have been my observations.
Let’s break down a ‘NEW’ systemised approach for YOU to follow…
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Step 1: Get Your Mindset Right
A lot of people don’t realise how critical your mindset is in achieving your goal, but it is EVERYTHING.
I can teach you all the skills, all the systems, all the tools, all the strategies. But if your mindset isn’t right, you’re not going to make that money.
First, begin by making a decision about what your money goal is (and be prepared to do the things that are required to hit that money goal)
Here’s a thought…
If you’re doing the things that a person who is generating $10K per month or $20K a month is doing, is it likely that you will be able to make that amount of money?
Answer: YES!
What is your Monthly Money Goal?
To hit 6 Figures, then your basic money goal is as little as $10k or 20K per month.
$10k x 12 months = $120,000
Here are 3 mindset practices that I added to my system each day
- I go for a run first thing in the morning – this get’s my body moving and releases endorphins aka ‘happy hormones’
- Whilst on my run, I listen to something motivating… my favourites are Joyce Meyer’s Podcast or a book on Audible
- I repeat outloud “something good is going to happen to me today” several times (amongst other affirmations that I see fit for the day)
All of these release 3 key happy hormones that will help you crush your day, every day:
- Dopamine
- Serotonin
- Endorphins

Cultivating the right type of mindset is a DAILY affair! But you’ll thank yourself for it
Without this, it is near impossible, to achive this goal!
“You’ve got to be willing to do the things that others aren’t willing to do in order to have the things that they are not going to have”
Les Brown
Recommended: Make your first $1k as a Coach – Step By Step
Step 2: Get Your Audience Right
When it comes to having a business online or hitting 6-Figures, your target audience is at the heart of it.
Selling even a $1 product requires a ‘buyer’ so you’ve got to understand:
- Who that person is
- Where they hang out
- What they are struggling with
- What problems they are looking to solve and when
The Power of a ‘Targeted’ Audience’
Building an ‘audience’ isn’t enough, it is so important to build a targeted audience
If you have 10,000 people in your space, perhaps you have 10,000 followers on Instagram or even on YouTube or wherever, but they are not targeted, I promise you that somebody who has 1000 true fans who are targeted is going to make MORE money than someone else who has 10,000 who are NOT targeted.
So it’s not about the ‘size’ of audience, what matters most is the QUALITY!
The fastest way to grow a ‘targeted’ audience is through ‘Thought Leadership’
So when it comes to growing your audience, it’s important to position yourself as a ‘thought leader’.
You’ve got to remember that there is one rule for buying and one rule only, and that is that ‘people buy from people who they know like and trust’
And so when you are positioned as a thought leader, it speeds up the process of ‘knowing you, liking you, and then trusting you’
It’s that thought leadership that leads to that TRUST. You need to prove that you’re the best person to help them.
How do you position yourself as a Thought Leader?
You get so good at what you do that you knock their socks off every time. And you can do that pretty easily by publishing content.
My favourite places for ‘Thought Leadership’ type Posts are:
- Facebook Feed
- Instagram Reels
- YouTube
This reel, a thought-leadership post on the books I read has racked over 10.8k views on Instagram alone (not counting other platforms where it was published

…and I didn’t even say a single word in the reel! Watch it here
‘Thought leadership’ doesn’t mean writing long posts… in fact, the more entertaining you can be, the more people you’ll reach
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Step 3: Get Comfortable With Selling Your Stuff – No Apologies
If I were to ask you ‘what is the most important job of an entrepreneur’,
I’m sure you’d probably say it’s showing up, helping people, etc, etc.
And all of those things are well and good, except if you’re helping people or you’re showing up consistently or you have an audience, but you’re not generating any sales or making any money…
Do you really have a business? Not really!
We have to be honest with ourselves because so many people find the word sales cringey.
‘Selling your stuff’ is NOT cringy! It’s the backbone of your business.
It is everything that your business stands for.
You’ve got to generate sales because the more money you generate, the more you can actually have impact and actually help people.
- Get comfortable with making offers
- Get comfortable with generating sales
- Stay on top of your money.
In business, Sales is King
You can’t afford to shy away from knowing your numbers. Never keep your eyes off the prize!
- Understand the metrics that you need for your conversions
- Know how many people are on your email list
- Learn what your conversion rate is for a specific offer
- Understand what your opt in rate is for any freebies that you put out there
Don’t ignore your numbers, Making money online is a ‘numbers game’
And once you are comfortable with your numbers, you’ll see that your numbers begin to improve over time.
Time after time, you’ll make even more money because you got comfortable with the uncomfortable
Learn more about how to master sales conversations HERE
Step 3: Get Comfortable With Selling Your Stuff – No Apologies
When it comes to increasing your revenue, there are 4 types of offers that I think every Coach needs to have in their business (If you are going to really stand out online)
Offer Type #1: A Passive Income Generating Product
Otherwise known as a ‘Digital product’, what I love about this is that digital products lead to passive income and brings you money even when you are asleep.
My first digital product generated $22,359 in it’s first 30 days of promo

Step 4: Add These 4 Types Of Offers To Maximise Your Revenue
5 Days after, the revenue had reached $65,000 for this same product.
That’s why this offer type is so important
Learn more about how to create your very own Passive Product for Cashflow HERE
Offer Type #2: A Recurring Revenue Product
A Recurring Revenue business model is so important because it means that you don’t have to keep churning at the wheel…
…but the money keeps coming no matter what you are doing
So this is where things like memberships come in and other recurring revenue business models.
Whilst there are ‘churn rates’ to consider, if you stay on top of your membership, it represents GUARANTEED monthly income which you can use depend on
And yes, we do have a membership. You can learn more about it HERE
Offer Type #3: Intensives & VIP Days
The third type of offer that you need is an ‘Intensive’ type of offer.
So this is where VIP days, Intensives and Live Bootcamps really come in because with this offer type, you’re helping people to generate a specific goal or result in a very short amount of time.
This is the key to selling this offer! Remember that. Here it is again:
‘With Intensives, VIP Days and Bootcamps, the goal is to help people generate a specific goal or result in a very short amount of time’
And because of this, you can charge premium!
The beautiful thing about an intensive type of offer is that although you’re generating results quickly, it doesn’t take you a lot of time to actually fulfil.
So I sort of use this and when I teach it, I teach it as a ‘filler’ type of offer.
You could easily make $10k+ Per Month with this type of offer!
Offer Type #4: A High Ticket Signature Program
This, is the ultimate game changer!
A High Ticket Signature Program is the key to not only hitting 6-Figures, but doing it CONSISTENTLY until you hit 7 Figures
Remember earlier in this post, in Offer Type #1: Passive Income Type Product – where I shared how I generated $22,359 from my first digital product in 30 days….
…however, 5 days after, that same product took my revenue to $65,000?
Well… I achieved this by bolting on a High Ticket Signature Program to my Digital Product.
So the way I set up the funnel was this:
- Buyer purchases digital product
- Buyer is pre-qualified as a ‘buyer’
- Buyer is then invited to schedule a call with me
- Buyer attends the call
- My close rate on these calls (when a ‘buyer’ attends) is typically 70% and above
This was how I went from generating $22,359 in 30 days to generating $65,000 in the 5 days following, using a combination of offers
I then repeated the process after fine-tuning my sales process and generated $120,000 in 3 Days using a method called ‘The S.E.E.D Method.
I created a, in-depth Case Study for it, you can read it HERE
Recommended: Make your first $10k as a Coach – Step By Step
To Conclude
By following this sytemised approach, I’m able to:
- Build a ‘TARGETED AUDIENCE’ for my offers
- Create the RIGHT offers for my audience
- Scale my business over and over again
- Increase my revenue DAILY
My programs are always fully booked and I simply focus on delivering value.
That’s it for today,
I hope you’ll take some action steps towards your goal as a result of reading this
Whenever you’re ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:
1. Create a Passive Income Stream Through Digital Products here
2. Master how to enrol High Paying Clients through one simple conversation here
3. Create & Launch your own High Ticket Signature Offer and 10X Your Revenue here
4. Enrol Your Ideal Clients in 3 Days – The S.E.E.D Method Case Study – Read it here