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Pam Obasa is the founder of The Lucrative Lady and Branderry.com. She is a highly sought-after business coach and international speaker specializing in Sales, Sales Systems, and Storytelling for marketing.

Her brand ‘The Lucrative Lady’ focuses on empowering people to create a lucrative lifestyle and business and teaches how anyone can do that no matter their age.
Pam’s unique background as an actress helps her audience to use the power of Storytelling to improve their business, sales process, and conversions.


Paul Gotera

Head of Events and Partnerships

The Lucrative Lady

EMAIL: paul@thelucrativelady.com



£20,000 in 8 Weeks

£15,000 in 7 Days

$70,000 in 2 Days

$2,250 in 6 Weeks

Lorna got her first sale

29k in 2 weeks

Successfully enrolled her first 2 clients

Betty booked her first paid intensive

 $18,000 in 7 Weeks

$6,500 in 7 Weeks

100 Consults booked and 28 Sales in 2 days

“I got 5 sales from a tiny email list of 150”

“Sold 3 Packages and haven’t launch yet"

First sale came through ‘overnight’

30k per month

“I made DOUBLE my investment”

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