WELCOME to DAY 01 Nail Your Money Goal Bootcamp

The Weird + Overlooked System for Setting Up The Foundations for a Lucrative Business That Will Keep Paying You Over & Over Again!

Over the next 5 days we will be helping you give your business a total make-over so that you’re able to bring in whatever amount of money you want to make per month… with ease!

And this begins with ‘Foundation’ or as we call it… ‘the BIG idea’.

Whether your money goal is $15k, $20k or $30k/mth you can achieve that monthly figure simply by making a few tweaks in the way that you position your services.

Discover in This Training

Secret #1

The 3 things you MUST include in your ‘big idea’ for it to be Lucrative (having these 3 things gets you to that $20k month QUICKLY)

Secret #2

The 3 core areas in your personal life that you can quickly make money from (you’d be surprised how much money you’re leaving on the table by not tapping into these specific areas)

Secret #3

Proof! How to know for CERTAIN that your business idea is Lucrative (this alone will give you instant clarity)

Here Are The Next Action Steps

Click Here to download and complete your workbook

Share your assignment in the support group

Click Here to head to our channel where you can comment below the video to complete your task for Day 1.

Extended learning Day 1 just gets better! Yes!

In order to help you to totally nail this task, here is one more training that will be invaluable to you as you decide on your ‘Big Idea’

15 Work-at-Home Jobs that Pay $100 per day /$3000 per month (or MORE!)

Here's What Coming Next

We're so excited to bring you these Incredible Training Videos
That Will Help You Grow Your Business. Take a look below to see what's coming up next.
Over the next 3 days, we will deliver these training videos to you Daily via our Messenger Bot and Email.

Exclusive Training #2

Available Tomorrow

How To Go From Idea To ‘Money-Making’ Idea WITHOUT The Trial & Error

we’re taking it up a few steps to discover how to go from ‘Idea’ to ‘Money-making’ Idea

Exclusive Training #3

Available in 2 Days

After determining how to move from “I have a business idea” to actually making money from your idea.

On Day 3, we’re taking it up a few steps to discover how to Define Your Market Share

Exclusive Training #4

Available in 3 Days

After you had a HUGE win in defining your market share.You also crafted your 3-step Magnetic Messaging System

On Day 4, we’re taking it up a few steps to discover

Exclusive Training #5

Available in 4 Days

After you had a HUGE win in learning about Strategies & Tactics for Getting High Paying Clients.

On last day, we’re taking it up a few steps to discover How To Implement This Entire Strategy

(Psst…scroll further below to see some crazy success stories 🤫)

...aaand here is little bit ABOUT ME!

Pam Obasa is your Sales Conversion Strategist and she has one simple formula for success:

Persuasive words + Storytelling that sells = 10X your revenue

Pam created The Lucrative Business Academy to help struggling Coaches, Consultants, Course Creators & Entrepreneurs selling services to get out of the rut, eradicate their frustrating lead generation issues and instead create a Lucrative Business that delivers High-Paying Clients CONSISTENTLY.

Click the link below to join The Lucrative Business Academy

thousands of success stories

“If you're looking to work with Pam I highly recommend reaching out to her, she will help you get results”.

Marcin – Digital Accelerator

‘The amount of value that you are provide is worth way more than I expected‘.

Amy Joy Genuine
Confidence Specialist

‘I was able to identify what I really want to do, now I'm very clear who I'm talking to and what I can offer to them ’.

Jefyne Togba

‘I've moved from the place where I was just thinking about how I have to do the things to actually doing them'.

Cristina Gherasim

‘I had value for my investment, absolutely. Your input on this Course is above what most similar courses are offering ‘.

Lizzie Paish
Life-Transformation Coach

‘One of the arsenals you need for a successful business is Automation, you will get that and more in this Course'.

Tayo Soluade Sokomba

‘Honestly my business would not be where it is today if it were not for her and her amazing team'.

Nathalia Copeland
Facebook Ads Strategist

‘It’s just invaluable. This is the one of the best courses I have ever taken’.

Cecilia M

‘If you believe that doing the mastermind is going to take your business where you need it to go. Then you need to do it. It's that simple'.

Ceri S
Leadership Expert

‘Without a doubt, you're gonna walk away with a System. The money is worth it'. Push the easy button

Terry M. Lee
Live Video & Kajabi Expert

‘If you get the opportunity to work with Pam, if you need a story but you don't know how to share it, how to SELL it then you definitely want to work with Pam'.

Chantelle Paige Turner
The CulTured Method

‘I absolutely adore Pamela, she is phenomenal and I highly, highly recommend her'.

Jena Proctor
Pinterest Strategist

Left to me to figure this out by myself it would take me 2 years plus. Before I started I wasn't really sure who my niche was. I wasn't sure who I wanted to work with. And I think helping me to understand my niche and then creating these products that they likely to need was massive for me So many things that I've taken from this, love the simplicity and the way that you've taught us.

Relationship Coach

“It's been incredibly, incredibly easy. The way you've shown us how to set up the funnels. You even gave us the exact pages and your exact funnel, trust me, it's, it's so, so helpful because it's a different thing to read this thing and trying to understand and trying to implement. I've done so many courses. I've taken even Marie Forleo's B School, I have the training. I've done so many things in the past. Well, I just had the knowledge. I just had the information laying somewhere. Just building myself. Well, now you’ve given me the confidence to go all in, because now, I had the time to actually sit down to actually create my products which before, you know, I had the information, but they weren't all together. So, it's been AMAZING”

Tosin T.
Business Coach for Startups

“Pam is awesome at the actual mechanics of ‘Storytelling’“

Bhaskar Sharma

“Pam is an amazing Speaker. Everyone walked away with something they can use in their business right away”

Jordan Nell

“Pam has inspired me to become a much better storyteller”

Kery M

“The succinct, clear advice Pam gave me had me running even before we finished”

Coach Kemi

“Pamela showed me how to create content that will connect with my audience in an authentic way”

Palesa Amadi

“I really just appreciate your expertise and know that it works and what you are capable of doing.”


So I think it's perfect for me. It's a perfect mix of great coaching, but then also learning from my fellow participants in the program”

Lisa M - (Branding Strategist)

I really like the small group format. I feel like just having your attention and you, you really gave a lot. You give a lot, that was a huge piece of it for me. And plus, I like being in the group format, too, because I like learning from other people and I like seeing what other people are doing. I think there’s such a value in that, too

thousands of success stories


I thought the first day was 'something' until Day 2 which blew me away even more. Atmosphere was very inspiring

I got so much clarity on the direction to take and what to offer my audience.

I learned a lot from this, especially how to clarify my message...

I love the human part of it. It was BRILLIANT

Your success is my success

"I just saw the mistakes I made in past when it comes to Sales Calls. I now know how to do it the RIGHT way"

The 'Closing' was really beautiful. I learnt so much about how to 'Close a Client' and about Facebook Ads

"It's just amazing! I'm grateful to the entire team."

I learned that Mindset is foundation and I learned how to renew my mind

I absolutely loved it especially "the wolf and the pack"

It's indescribable. Finally happy that I found what I was searching for.

"It's outstanding! Very hight energy and very inspiring. I thought it was too good to be true but it's outstanding"

I got more clarity. You practice what you preach. I feel so much more confident with Sales Calls now

"It's been amazing 3 days. We didn't just get ""information"", we actually did the work and I loved that"

It's been an eye opener. So many Coaches talk about putting together a Signature program but you taught us HOW to actually achieve it.

I can't believe it! Thank you for pouring your heart out. I now have my Signature Offer created

I feel that I've finally found my match. This has changed my life and I now have a focus.

I hate Sales, that's the reason I joined and I think you are going to make it easy for me.

It's been such a phenomenal 3 days, there's so much that I learned and I can use.

I love how you showed us the things as opposed to just telling us what should have been done.

You genuinely wanted us to learn. I just cannot say enough of things and thank you enough.

Thank you, you actually helped me re-craft my Signature Offer.

Thank you for wonderful insights. I really loved the energy of this group.

It was really empowering experience. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for your patience.

I learned a lot. I really liked that you was able to coach us and give us feedback.

This was a great experience. You really brake this down in small pieces.

You always give more value than I can imagine.

In 3 days I learnt more than in 6 months with another coach.

Register Now Before It's Too Late!

If you've been wanting to get this specific outcome, this training is perfect for you.

©2020 The Lucrative Lady
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Pam Obasa can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.
Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance.. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

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